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[Declined]Mage Vanderlie

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[Declined]Mage Vanderlie Empty [Declined]Mage Vanderlie

Post  Vanderliie Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:15 pm

* Nick: Vanderlie

* Class and Race: Undead (Male) Mage.

* Level: 80

* /played Write how much time spend in total; 120days, 6hours 32mins.

* A link to your gear and talents: A profile linked through either armory ctprofiles or something else, pref armory.

* Professions: Can you craft something special? Mining / Egnineering ( got some epic recipe. nothing special Iguess. )

* Bosses you(your guild) killed in preTBC: With what class and what guild? Was playing on my warrior then ( Ally, on Burning legion. Only have exp from pre tbc in MC/BWL/ZG/aq20 )

* Bosses you(your guild) killed in TBC: I fount out that i didnt had time anylonger for wow. But had time enough for kill Illidan, thats all. And ofc, every bosses before him.. like KZ/ZA/SSC/TK/MH

* Bosses you(your guild) killed in WoTLK: Got All exp in Wotlk, except OS with any drakes. Only pugged on this server. Wich means, u wont kill Sarth + any drakes :<

* Person(s) in guild vouching for you, leave empty if none:

* Where and how did you hear about us? Was searching for Guild in Trade channel, and saw that u guys where looking for mages. And it seems to be a good guild. Smile

Personal information:
* Age: 18

* Sex: Male

* Nationality: Sweden

* Playing times: atleast 80% raidattendence or more and still farming the needed consumables sun-thur 19:00-22:30 and still show up fully prepared for every raid? Yes ofc i can. dont see that as a problem Smile

* Previous guilds: Why did you leave them? Was like I said, on Burning legion on my warrior. Our guild did disband. And I rerolled mage, horde. No fucking ebaying, or anything like that. Levled my mage 1-80 By my own. And the guild I was in be4 wotlk, also disbanded.

* Other: Is there anything else you want to add, do it here. nah, I guess i got everything down now. More than, I know my class. And i'll always show up if needed me Smile

Deeper analysis about you and your char:
So here is your chance to really prove you know your char, write atleast a few sentences about each topic.

* Talents: Explain why you have the specc you have, why it suits you the best and other things concerning the topic. Playing atm with the ( Best pve specc (?) ) 0/53/18, Why ? I found it like the best pve spec as far. and I love playing it, and its rly good dmg for me.
* Gear: Write a few lines about your gear, what is it you feel you lack the most right now. Why havent you been able to obtain it faster? What gear are you aiming for? Hm its seems like new shoulders tbh, was farming naxx 10man for t7, and naxx 25man for t7.5.. But u all guys know how it is with pugs. some are good and some arent. And i think I need some more sp tho. thats all I guess

* Guild: Why do you want to join us? What is it that you think we have that your current guild lacks except more epics? Its looks like a serious guild, and all conted cleared. its seems like a good guild aiming for uldar Smile witch im aiming for 2.

* WoW goals: For how long are you planning on playing this game? What is it you want to achive? Are you willing to leave behind your other friends in wow for pve-progress? I dont know yet when I will quit this funny game Smile and ofc i'll leave the other friends on this server when its raid time Smile

Thx for reading! Very Happy


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2009-02-24

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[Declined]Mage Vanderlie Empty Re: [Declined]Mage Vanderlie

Post  Waylon Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:46 pm

Im not very impressed, poor ass written application.

Unless you can talk me into give you a trial with why you think your spec is the best pve raiding spec,
Tell me about your raiding experience,
How long have you played for?
Why did you stop playing?
You say you have experience from all fight but your achivments doesnt show you killed Malygos on either normal or heroc mode, as you said you have not killed Obsidian with drakes either.

Do you even know what degree of serious we take raiding?
To me you seem to unmature and have spent more then 10 sec answering the questions.


Number of posts : 142
Age : 43
Ort : Sweden
Registration date : 2008-11-11

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[Declined]Mage Vanderlie Empty Re: [Declined]Mage Vanderlie

Post  Vanderliie Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:05 pm

Hm okey. Well, i said ingame to u for some mins ago that my english is bad as hell.

Så, Jag tar om allt på svenska, la ner en hel del på apply tbh. I vilket fall, OS inga drakes skrev jag.. Maly 25man achivement, fixade på min brors hunter när ja lirade på den före ja miggade hit. Var på servern Shattred hands förut. Bytte hit pga mina IRL kompisar flyttade hit, det var i början av WOTLK. Före jag miggade lirade ja på min brors hunter här för spela med vänner på kvällarna ( Namn på huntern är Roxot ) Ja oh en kompis Warlolz ( Guild pinehearst ) Gjorde en EoE 25man pug tillsammans.

Pve Specc? Jag tkr jag får ut mest dmg lättast av den. Aldrig tyckt om Arcane elr frost. Körde frost när jag levlade självklart. Sen har jag alltid lirat fire, nu FFB specc. Känner mig hemma med speccen. Kan självklart respecca om ni nu vill det.

Raid experience? Hm, pre tbc. lirade ja i en guild som hette peacemaker. På servern Burning Legion, där lirade jag en human female warrior. Raidade en del tillsammans med dom, som MC/BWL/ZG/Onyxia/aq20, I tbc Rerollade jag mage. Pga Guild Disband med warriorn. Så ja oh en kompis rerollade horde. I vilket fall, hamnade jag i en guild på servern shattred hands som hette I R Pr0, Vi började segt med KZ/Gruul. sen replacade vi en hel del personer som slackade, gjorde raid tiderna olika varje dag. Vi började få fart på det hela. Drog Maggy, SSC ( Utan vashj ) TK ( Utan kael ) Fastnade där ett tag. Sen tog dom bort pre Q för MH oh BT, vi clearade MH sen vidare till BT. där låg vi ngn månad före Illidan drog i backen, var ej med den fighten. Har kört honom i efterhand. Och var med på försök som ledde till wipe efter wipe. I vilket fall, där är min TBC raid erfarenhet. nu till WOTLK där vi är nu, Har kört naxx 10/25 , VoA 10/25 , EoE 25 , OS 10/25.
Det är min raid erfarenhet i WOTLK.

Varför jag slutade lira ett tag i TBC. Jo, vi flyttade ut en bit utanför stan. Fanns inget utdraget Bredband dit. Och ja kände inget sug efter wow för tillfället. Eftersom jag köpte en bil som tog upp rätt mkt tid oh fixa med oh ha skoj. Sen beslutade vi oss för skaffa Bredband via satelit. Så nu kör vi med det. Och WOTLK när det släpptes så ville ja lira igen, fick tillbaka suget oh har kört sen dess. Smile

Kan förstå ni tar raids seriöst. Det är ett stort + för mig också. Tkr om när det är seriöst. oh går framåt!

Hoppas det blev bättre nu när ja skrev på svenska! Smile


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2009-02-24

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[Declined]Mage Vanderlie Empty Re: [Declined]Mage Vanderlie

Post  Waylon Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:40 am

Not good enough.



Number of posts : 142
Age : 43
Ort : Sweden
Registration date : 2008-11-11

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[Declined]Mage Vanderlie Empty Re: [Declined]Mage Vanderlie

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